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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Celebrations are up in the air...

Celebrations are up in the air,

Our Tricolour flies high not only from the ramparts of Red Fort but in millions of localities,
Was it not the solemn occasion to cherish this hard earned freedom ?

Lump in my throat and goose bumps all over as our Tricolour is hoisted and National Anthem is being sung,
Each word is filled with a unique expression of patriotism,
Was it not the time to salute these icons of our Nationhood ?

Today's newspaper carries news about yet another young brave-heart making the supreme sacrifice on line of duty,
He too had loved ones back home,
Is it too much for each one of us to salute this brave-heart and shed a tear for his loved ones back home?
Tomorrow will be another day,
Lives have to carry on by confronting new challenges and enduring countless struggles,
Is it not proper to be grateful to our Nation and such countless martyrs, for such an enabling environment, to effectively meet our challenges and overcoming our struggles ? 🫡🫡

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