Major Mukund Varadarajan made the supreme sacrifice while battling terrorists n Kashmir, in the summer of 2014, when our Nation was in the midst of general elections.
A never ending war on terror,
Claims another valiant son of our motherland.
He too had a family to look after,
Parents, wife, and a three year old angel daughter to look after,
But he decoded to dedicate himself for the cause of our
Our Nation state today is in the midst of an amazing spectacle,
Elections in the world’s largest democracy,
But our motherland is still under the omnipresent and persistent
threat of terror,
With few chosen ones to dedicate their lives for the cause of our
Our mass and electronic media are caught in a tempest,
Where winds of charges and counter charges are blowing at furious
Where the stormy seas of insensitivities and even inhumanity,
Threaten to drown ships of hope and humanity.
For what matters now are the citadels of prestige and power,
Which has intoxicated most of the aspiring politicians trying their
luck at the polls.
But somewhere in this tempest, a beacon of hope emerges,
Major Mukund Varadarajan makes the supreme sacrifice,
Not for our politicians or anyone else, but for the cause of our
My tears flow uncontrollably at the scene of his funeral,
At the news of his three year angel daughter wishing him a final
“good night”.
Rest in peace Mukund,
Your supreme sacrifice is indeed a testimony of a valiant like
For whom the cause of our motherland is supreme,
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